“You Cannot Add, Edited or Delete Transaction on or Before the dividing Period “month” “year”, which is that period that you selected when you created the Accountant’s Copy. You can take this action after you’ve improved Your Accountant’s Changes.


Jika pada saat kita Create, Edit atau Delete satu transaksi ada muncul konfirmasi :

“You Cannot Add, Edited or Delete Transaction on or Before the dividing Period “Month” “year”, which is that period that you selected when you created the Accountant’s Copy. You can take this action after you’ve improved your Accountant’s Changes.”

Ini dikarenakan transaksi yang kita mau buat atau edit ada di periode  Accountant Review. Sehingga kita tidak bisa menambahkan, mengedit, delete transaksi dari awal sampai dengan dividing yang diisi saat sedang membuat Accountant’s Copy.

  1. Harus menunggu sampai ada Import Accountant’s Changes dari File | Accountant’s Review | Import Accountant’s Changes,
  2. Atau lakukan Cancel Accountant’s Copy dari File | Accountant’s Review | Cancel Accountant’s Copy.

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